How to Grow Your Penis Size

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Size doesn’t matter. Oh come on, who are you fooling? Whether it’s your gal partner or you yourself, everyone fantasizes about getting the penis of their dreams. But can you really go against your biological gift and modify it according to your needs and wants? Well, to be honest, those who question nature’s creation have their own consequences. Then again with the advancement in science, almost everything you desire is achievable with the least degree of peril.

So today in this blog we will roam around your penis, guys. Don’t sweat it guys we are just kidding. But jokes apart, this blog article focuses on whether it is possible to grow your penis size. If yes, then how? So let’s get started.

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What Is A Penis?

A penis is a part of the male reproductive organ(external) and also a very vital sex organ. Very few people know this but the term PENIS is an acronym for Proton-enhanced nuclear induction spectroscopy(too fancy and long to say, might as well stick with Just PENIS).

Speaking of its structural look the penis has a lengthy shaft, an enormous rounded tip termed the glans, and a protective foreskin. There is a urethra located inside the penis which is utilized to discharge semen and evacuate urine. They both leave the body through the meatus(an opening point).

Is Penis Enlargement really possible?

While studying this concept we came across a very weird fact, that guys are more concerned about their penis size than girls. According to the survey, as much as 85% of females are “okay” with their partner’s manhood stick.

That’s why guys are always looking for means and ways to grow their penis. However, the harsh reality is that there are only two ways through which it can be done i.e., either through undergoing surgery or utilizing penile implants(which BTW is not as simple as a piece of cake). Moreover, there are male enhancement pills and other penis enlargement products are also available in the market these days which claim to do the same. However, there is very little to no proof available to support these non-invasive techniques for increasing penile size.

How To Make Your Penis Grow?

First, let’s talk about the techniques that somewhat guarantee the penis growth. The top two would be;

Penis Surgery: In penile surgery, there are two popular options available i.e, penile augmentation and suspensory ligament release. The former includes the grafting of fat cells. How is it done? Your surgeon will collect your fat cells from any part of your body and inject them into your shaft. However, there are chances of your penis returning back to its former shape as the body reabsorbs the fats back.

The latter, however, entails surgically removing the ligament that supports the penis and positioning it at an angle to make the penis look longer.

Penile Implant: Usually, this option is opted for in the case of erectile dysfunction when pills like Malegra 100 or Fildena 100 don’t do their work. In the surgery, inflatable or semi-rigid rods are placed through an incision in the penis.

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How Does Penis Growing Work?

It totally depends upon the means you have chosen to enlarge the penis. For instance; length or girth length, injections, extenders, implants, stretching methods like jelqing, penile pumps, losing weight, or enhancement pills.

Some of these can give permanent growth while others are temporary. However, it is important to note that there is limited scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of these methods, and consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended before considering any form of penis growth technique. Because there are severe side effects attached to almost every technique.

Penis Growth Pills: What Are They And If They Work?

Usually known as male enhancement pills, these penis growth pills are nothing but oral supplements containing numerous minerals, vitamins, and other chemical substance that claims to boost crimson fluid circulation and stimulate tissue growth of reproductive organs. Apart from that the pills claim to;

  • Uplift testosterone levels
  • Boost sexual endurance
  • Physical enlargement of the penis
  • Enhances Libido
  • Enhances sperm motility, quality, and quantity
  • Reduces refractory period after coitus

And also boosts sexual confidence while doing all these. Be aware of these claims, because currently, we have no scientific proof to back these declarations. All these are based on mere unofficial feedback from the customers and the company’s marketing claims. Moreover, they are yet to be approved by FDA for the safe use.

What Else Can Help With Penis Growth?

To be frank, other than invasive surgical options there aren’t many options available. These surgical techniques also come with drastic consequences i.e., side effects. However, we did some digging and came up with some least risky ways that you can try. These are other options for penis growth;

  • Many times men mistake erectile dysfunction for small penis size. Get yourself diagnosed and let your physician write you a pde5 inhibitor like Cenforce 100 or Kamagra 100.
  • If your size bothers you and wounds your self-confidence, talk to a sex therapist. Because it’s completely fine to seek support from professionals.
  • Don’t assume everything, have a chat with your partner and find out if they are really unsatisfied with your size. Because many times the voices in our head are wrong.
  • Lose up some weight as usually excess weight can make the penis appear smaller. Additionally, a good physique will boost your self-confidence as well.

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